List of 10 Challenges


I like Morgan Freeman's quote. I firmly believe in it. It has proved its efficacy more than once in my life. I strive not to forget it and follow it as often as possible.

So, here are 10 challenges for me to complete during the course and gain more confidence:

  1. Talk to a stranger about any subject.

  2. Ask strangers for help.

  3. Give a talk on a scientific topic in front of a large audience.

  4. Recite a poem in front of an audience.

  5. Take part in an argument and fail to persuade the opponent on purpose.

  6. Meet new people and make friends with them.

  7. Make a compliment to a stranger.

  8. Share on social media a video or photo that I would never show to the public and respond to comments if there are any.

  9. Call a random phone number and have a conversation.

  10.  Go to an event alone.

 Here I will post my notes on how these challenges were performed. I have already accomplished one of them and I would like to share with you my emotions. 
So, the first challenge (challenge number 3 in my list) has been completed. I would name it "When you believe in yourself magic happens, or a bad example not to follow".
Recently I was able to test my confidence by attending a scientific conference called "Russia's National Treasure". There I gave a scientific talk on the methodology of teaching listening comprehension. Long before the presentation, my body began to betray me, and although I had no fearful thoughts of total failure, physically I felt almost all the symptoms of stage fright. I had never performed in a competition like this before, so I was very nervous, but the physical symptoms were overwhelming and overpowering in intensity. I am sure I can control my thoughts and overcome psychological barriers, however on the physical level it is worth removing some shortcomings and working with my trembling voice, clamps in my body and my speech. All this gave away my insecurity and made my performance a failure. There were people at the competition who won places through charisma almost with no practical relevance or scientific achievement in their projects. 
Nevertheless, I'm glad I took part and tried my hand at it. It was an invaluable experience that will help me develop further. 
How would you evaluate it?

P.S. However, going to a conference in another city had a beneficial effect on me. I had a change of surroundings. I was able to visit Moscow again, to walk around the country's main square and to visit the capital's theatre. Everything was not in vain. 


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