The very beginning

Dizziness... sweating heart beat…. the desire to run away, to hide from the gaze of the audience...

All of this is very familiar to me from my school days. It's a stage fright, which means a fear of public speaking. I never really thought about it until I had to give a talk in front of my classmates. A lot of time has passed since then. I've had enough practice in public speaking and a special course at university to tame my fear, but sometimes it suddenly erupts. A dangerous fear which by creating the illusion of hostile listeners and our helplessness and uselessness, sometimes prevents us from expressing important thoughts. There's a saying: “It is not failure itself that holds you back; it is the fear of failure that paralyzes you."

That is why I am starting my blog. This blog is aimed to track my progress, every itsy-bitsy step of the way towards full submission of this fearsome beast. (Everything from the course will be reflected here in the form of a post).  Here and now you will begin to learn with me all the mysteries of the art of speaking. From this point begins acquiring more profound knowledge of public speaking and learning some useful tips which I hope will lead me to conquer stage fright and give me even more confidence đŸ˜‰.



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