Speech outline: conclusion

Hi all, my persuasive speech writing work continues. This week we studied the last part of the speech, the conclusion. From the presentation our classmate gave in front of us, I was able to learn that the conclusion is just as important to the speech as the introduction, since it provides the last chance to impress the audience. The conclusion has several parts: summary and solution/ action step + the emotional appeal. 

Having taken all this into consideration, I wrote the conclusion to my speech. 

Thus, we have convinced ourselves that we should not follow our passion in searching for a job, because this rule is wrong and your interests may change. Instead, you should look for a practical application of your skills that would benefit people. Only then will you find the fulfilling job of your dreams. After all, it's not the job that follows the passion, it's passion that should follow your job. 

Do you think the emotional appeals are sufficient? Is it worth changing anything? I would be glad to receive any comments! 😄


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