Teachers' Conference Speech. Self-Analysis

     Hi! Imagine that you are a teacher presenting a type of exercise for practical use in the classroom at a teachers' conference and convincing others that your exercise is very effective. This was the instruction from which I needed to prepare my last speech. Now its limit was longer - 2 minutes. Within this timelimit you can really explain the essence of the exercise and lay out all its strengths. Unfortunately, I did not manage to convince anyone. Revisiting the video of my speech I think that I could have made it better and more expressive.

     What decisions can I make on the basis of the evaluation table?

    First of all, I can say that I tried to capture the audience's attention with a quote, but from the first seconds I stambled, which confused not only the listeners, but also me. Secondly, I was able to clearly state the thesis of my speech, but I did not state the direction of my speech. Moreover, I did not have clear examples to support my point of view. But there was a conclusion that repeated the main point and had an emotional message. 

    To summarise the speech as a whole, I most liked the introduction and the thesis, which sounded clear; this time I managed to fit into the time limit; and the conclusion was quite good, which summed up the whole speech.

     The minuses were the lack of vivid examples and facts to support the speech. I only managed to make a thesis statement, but failed to provide clear arguments to support it. Also, the speech was quiet and fast, which is rather hard for the audience. Their attention went away from my words. In addition, I again found it difficult to maintain eye contact.  

    Speaking about the organisation of the speech, in my next presentation I should pay more attention to the support. As for the delivery, I need to think about the problem of making eye contact. 

    In essence, the assignment was a challenging one, it included both practising our public speaking skills and, on the other hand, it allowed us to learn different techniques on how we can develop our public speaking skills.


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