Analysis of Speech 7 "British Museums"

Hello! Here I am again with another message. What is it about this time? As the title suggests, it is again about speech analysis. I have reviewed the printed version of a sophomore's speech about British museums, and I have written an outline of the speech.

This is what I came up with:

I. Brief structure of the speech 7.

1. Hook is not clearly formulated. (What about art?)

2. The thesis is in the form of a question. (Do you know that three of the top ten museums in the world are in London?) 

3. The main part is represented by the preview. (They are: The British Museum, Tate Modern and the National Gallery)

4. The conclusion contains a summary of the speech. At the beginning of the conclusion a small attempt is made to emotionally appeal to the audience with a statement about art. 

II. From Speech Assessment Form 10.6 I came to the following conclusions.

1. The main idea of the speech is to inform about museums in London.

2. The intended audience is the  groupmates. The tone of the speech does not contradict the situation.

3. In our opinion, the hook is not very bright and the beginning of the speech needs to be improved.

4. The thesis is presented, but it is not clearly formulated. It is presented as a question, which may confuse the listener. It could be improved.

5. The introduction clearly presents the outline of the speech.

6. Overall, the introduction is not bad, but the beginning and the formulation of the thesis statement should be improved and corrected.

7. Facts about London's museums and a description of them were presented as support.

8. In our opinion, the support should also be improved. Some parts contain very little information. In our opinion the description of the museums could be structured according to the scheme: year of creation, location, collections and interesting exhibits, additional information (awards, place in the world ranking and so on).

9. Support is connected by linking elements, but there is no connection to the conclusion.

10. All parts of the speech are clear and written in understandable language.

11. We could not see any striking mistakes in the text.

12. Most of all, I liked the conclusion of the speech because it clearly rounded off the speech and once again went through the 3 museums of London.

By doing the analysis, I was able to better understand the organisation of speech and find mistakes that I will try to prevent in my speech.


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