Challenge 3

Have you ever acted in a way that is not typical of you? It happened to me and it happened deliberately and of my own free will. This is what my third challenge is all about. A small note: you won't find this new challenge on my old list on But since we are allowed to change the challenges and due to the circumstances this week I have decided to make some changes. So, let me get to the point.

The essence of the challenge is to volunteer for the project. I should say straight away that this is a serious regional educational project. Its aim is to provide rural schools with networked English teachers who will conduct classes remotely. The project involved interaction with representatives of the Novosibirsk Region's educational sector and us, ordinary students, who were to become teachers. First, we were trained. I succeeded, although I didn't really want to get involved and many of my groupmates simply left the project. Nevertheless, I stayed. I am determined to go all the way, which is completely out of my nature. To be honest, I am a responsible student and a bit of a perfectionist, but I don't really like that kind of activity and prefer to stay out of the events. But this year something unusual happened to me. I live a vibrant and active social life. So even though I didn't get a class to work in online (due to my own foolishness), I still volunteered. Because of confusion, my name was not on the list to work with children. But I wasn't afraid to come to the opening conference myself last Thursday and ask the course host to put me on the list. Everything went perfectly well and she agreed. I decided to pursue to the end. Before, I wouldn't have even thought about it. But I felt miserable for my hard work. (I have been studying the course for a month. I don't want my work to be wasted!) Luckily, I am in the project after all.

How did I feel when I volunteered for it? It was very embarrassing to talk to a rather important person and even more uncomfortable to propose my candidature. However, the organiser was pleased with my willingness and helped me. This was a relief. She quickly found me a school and a class. And now, I'm scared and I feel a huge responsibility. After all, teaching children in a rather complicated remote format is really serious and time-consuming work. Perhaps, a part of me regret my decision. How wonderful it would have been just to go to university and not have to think about anything like that. Still, sharing this story with friends and family, I realise that I did the right thing. It will be a good experience for me. I hope that I won't let it down. My fear, anxiety and nervousness have always mobilised me, all my skills and abilities. Still, it's going to be a lot of work. 

To sum it all up,  don't be afraid to venture into new things more frequently in your life. Step out of your comfort zone and you will get more than you can imagine. 


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