Challenge 4

Einstein onse said: "I never think of the future. It comes soon enough".

Not long ago, I would never have thought that I would adopt this quote. I am neurotic by nature and try to make plans for the future, especially the very near future. I do that because it makes me feel more comfortable and secure. But the challenges motivated me to decide not to do it anymore. I need to get out of my comfort zone and enjoy the moment. So for the fourth challange, I didn't make any plans. Everything happened by itself. 

What was my fourth challange about? It was going to the event alone and getting to know someone. And so it happened. I got tickets and spontaneously went to the theatre in St. Petersburg last Saturday. I was there all alone. But I managed to chat with the two girls sitting next to me. I learned a lot about the production from them. I even managed to ask them to take a picture of me. It was an easy challenge and I had lots of positive emotions, even though I felt a bit embarrassed and wary in a strange environment at first. 

Here's the proof :)

What do you think of the story? Would you like to do it? Write your answers in the comments


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