Challenge 5

Hi guys! How are you? Still here? Well, there you go with another challenge story. This week I did my fifth challange. I'm right in the middle of it. 

"Smile at strangers and you just might change a life."
That's the phrase that got me excited to do this challenge. (And yes, you won't find it on the old list. Once again, I changed my mind. That's me. I'm a Libra). So, the challenge was to smile at strangers. It seemed like the easiest thing to do. Just to smile, to give a gift of joy to a stranger. Even though it takes some attention and energy, it costs you nothing, and just might change the course of someone's day. But to do this, you have to smile sincerely, with warmth. And that was the hardest part - persevering and giving people a lively, earnest smile. So before I went out in public, I tried to cheer myself up: I remembered the best, sweetest moments of my life, and then went out into the world to give smiles. I have smiled at a great deal of people. Many people, especially children, smiled back. Some people nodded embarrassedly, thinking that they didn't recognize someone they knew. Some looked up in bewilderment and confusion and turned away. 

I didn't find the challenge very difficult, although sometimes I wanted to stop after the puzzled stares. And I don't think it was a failure. There were still people who smiled back. 

P.S. You know, what I noticed while I was walking around like a clown with a smile on my face is that even if you smile on purpose, your mood improves. I don't know how it happens, but that's how our psyche works.

In general, smile more often and the world will be happy to see you. 

If you liked the challenge, leave emoticons in the comments.


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