Creative method application

Hello! I'm glad to meet you again.

This post is dedicated to the persuasive speech for which I have already started to prepare. This speech is a compulsory assignment for the course. Most of all I don't like to impose my opinion on others, but now I have to.

So, I chose the question "Does social media affect our mental health?" as the topic of my speech for this assignment. If we talk about the purpose of the speech on this topic, I chose it because the subject is acute in today's information society and is part of our lives. We communicate in social networks, develop our business there, etc. Perhaps many have thought about the unintentional influence of networks but have not fully immersed themselves in the subject or do not take it seriously. I would like to convey the message that we need to build our use of social media wisely, create only positive experiences for ourselves and pay special attention to the impact of networks on our mental health. I would like people to listen to my speech and think more often about the harm/benefit of scrolling media.

Briefly speaking:

The aim of the speech is to convince people that it is important to use social media wisely and to create only positive experiences of using them.

Objectives are:

1. To show the negative impact of social media

2. Suggest positive experiences with social media as a solution

"Mind-mapping" was used to develop this speech. Using it, I was able to construct the structure of the main part of the speech, its logic and content. 

This is the structure I got:

Main part

1. Negative effects and problems

- addiction causes anxiety


- depression is the result of the dark side of the people who use s/m

* evidence (threats, suicide)

- stress

*factors (attention, fear of missing out, harrasement)

2. Solutions

- absence of s/m

- preventing strategies

- better experience trough positive experience

* unfollow "fiends"

*follow accounts about your interests

Conclusion: networks are neither bad nor good in essence. They are simply tools for communication. But its effect on ourselves depends entirely on our approach to using them. Use it consciously and only in a positive way and you will be happy. 

I have concerns that this speech is more suitable for an informative one. Would you be so kind and suggest what could be corrected to make it more persuasive. You are welcome to add your comments below. 


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