Challenge 8

Have you ever wondered how often you compliment the people around you? How often do you receive compliments? Are they important to you? I've been thinking about this recently and it's led me to my new eighth challenge. It's all about intentionally complimenting people. I'm going to tell you how it went, how I felt and what the reaction was from people and people I know. 

First of all, I decided to compliment not only my acquaintances and friends, but also to try and say something nice to strangers. In the end, out of strangers, I managed to pay a couple of compliments to a shop assistant and a photographer.

How did that make me feel? First of all, it's very difficult to come up with a nice and lovely compliment, so I was puzzled. Secondly, sometimes I felt uncomfortable and I wondered, "Am I being sincere? What will people think of me if my words seem unnatural?" But I just pushed those thoughts aside and hoped for the chance. 

So how did people react? My acquaintances (we were going out with them at the weekend) were delighted to hear nice words from me. I was pleased that my praise cheered them up a bit and increased their self-confidence; it was evident in their behaviour. I have people in my circle who have low self-esteem and are insecure about their appearance. It was difficult for them to accept compliments and at that point there was awkwardness. Strangers mostly smiled at the compliments. 

Would I do this challange again? Probably. Although it's similar to the smiling challenge, it's more complicated. You have to express your emotions in words. 

In conclusion, I would like to say that, in general, compliments should be given. But it should be done wisely. My challenge has led me to the following conclusions: 

-praise the person or their work without comparing it to others, 

-don't praise too much so that you don't look like a sycophant 

-and don't push people if they can't accept a compliment, but help them accept it. 

How's that? Would you undertake such a challenge?😀


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