Final Challenge

- Hi! My car broke down. Can you give me a lift?

- Sorry, I can't. I'm in a hurry myself. 

You have to admit it's not very nice to hear "No" to your request. Neither from a stranger, nor from someone you've always relied on. I have noticed that I often get frustrated by such denials. When I hear even a polite "No", I am discouraged. So I decided that something had to change. I've made my mind to intentionally face rejections this week. And I will now share with you my actions, emotions and conclusions.

So, I intentionally asked questions or asked for something this week to hear "No". To become stronger, so to speak, so that I don't feel overwhelmed and remain cheerful in times like these. First of all, of course I asked my family for favours, knowing very well that they wouldn't be able to do it. 

Besides, I went to the shop and asked for change for a large note. I asked the vegetable vendor for a discount. I asked for a dish that wasn't on the menu. Everywere there was "No".

Because I knew I would be rejected, I was not very upset. I even enjoyed the process itself. But sometimes I felt uncomfortable. I felt that people thought I was stupid and stubborn. But in the end it didn't really bother me. I don't think I am totally relieved of my uncomfortable feelings, but my time was definitely not wasted. 

To sum up, if you want to overcome your fear of refusal. Try this method. It works. I think if you keep it up for a cople of weeks it will be easier for you to hear a denial. And you have to learn how to do that in your life. But to start, you really have to be prepared for difficulties and discomfort.

How do you find it? Do you like the idea? 


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