Persuasive speech outline

Hello! I am back again after a short May holiday. I hope you had a good holiday too. It's time to do some productive work. There's a reason they say: There is virtue in work and there is virtue in rest. Use both and overlook neither. So let's get back to the course. The main task for this week is to write a complete, finished speech plan. So, here's what I fixed.


American entrepreneur and activist Meg Whitmell says: “Do what you love and success will follow. Passion is the fuel behind a successful career”. Could you please raise your hand if you agree with this statement. How often people follow this stereotype when choosing their life's work. But what if I told you that this idea is wrong. To find a great job, you don't have to follow your passion. Today I will prove it to you with some examples and, most importantly, give you sound advice. 


Argument 1. First of all, it is bad career advice, because the logical chain "interests and passion --> success --> fulfilling work" is a failure. 

a) Things that fascinate and excite us are sometimes unsuccessful.

# Statistics (only 3% of people who have found their calling in sports, the arts are successful)

Argument 2. Moreover, passion is not solid ground for building a career.

a) Passions are feelings and they change

# Star Wars creator George Lucas was literally obsessed with car racing as a child and young man, until he decided at the age of 18 that he liked movies better. 

# Ask your parents, I don't think many of them have found the vocation they once dreamed of.

b) Apart from this we can make mistakes and overlook what we need. 

# Example of my failure.


So how do we act and what do we base on choosing a profession? Do what's valuable.


Thus, we have convinced ourselves that we should not follow our passion in searching for a job, because this rule is wrong and your interests may change. Instead, you should look for a practical application of your skills that would benefit people. Only then will you find the fulfilling job of your dreams.  After all, it's not the job that follows the passion, it's the passion that should follow your job. I hope you will keep this in mind when choosing your niche in teaching English and it will help you to make the right choice.

On the whole, I corrected the introduction, distributed the information on the structure of the speech. However, I'm still thinking. If you have any ideas, or if you notice a flaw in the logic, post it in the comments. 


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