Self-Analysis of "Hat Speech"

My grandmother always tells me: “If you can't excel with talent, triumph with effort.” And I believe and follow her advice all my life. After all, she was a wise woman who had lived and seen a lot. Besides, she is never wrong in her judgments and gives effective, wise tips. Long before I started this course, I realized that I was not born to be a gifted public speaker, I am not one of the lucky ones who have a brilliant talent for capturing an audience with their speech. When the course began, I realized that in order to succeed I would have to work. And a lot. What I am trying to say is this: only effort and diligence (if you are not a prodigy) can help you succeed at something. And I've seen it for myself more than once.

Last week, as immodest as it may sound, I truly made a great effort to prepare a speech. And for the first time, I think I enjoyed the way I delivered the speech. What did I like? First of all, I managed to keep my promise and I maintained eye contact. It wasn't that tough, as it turned out. Secondly, I liked the structure of my speech. In my opinion, everything was coherent and it was clear what stage of the speech I was in at any point. Thirdly, I was pleasantly surprised that I managed to laconically and neatly combine the summary and the emotional appeal to the audience. 

But, of course, there is always room for improvement, and in this presentation I would have slowed down the pace of the speech a bit. Besides, I would work on the volume of the voice and the facial expression. Perhaps, in my next speech I should open up more and tell the audience something of myself, rather than dry scientific facts. It's worth thinking about.

To sum it up, diligence and hard work pay off. I'm getting good at speaking, or at least I can say that I'm not degrading. However, I will not stop there. And I urge you to do the same.

By the by, here is the link to video of the speech:!AqiwIb2scLPyiwPnUcBjg1fFdlAF

P.S. It is impossible not to mention the other groupmates. Everyone's speeches were absolutely absorbing and some of the hats were amazing! I want to thank everyone for the fascinating stories, wise thoughts and positive emotions. I especially want to give thanks for the compliments. I am extremely grateful for your words (and the sketch), I needed them and I think that I won't forget them for a very long time! 


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